Showcard A2
1. Your car or other vehicle will be stolen
2. Things will be stolen from your car or other vehicle
3. Your car or other vehicle will be damaged by vandals
4. Your home will be damaged by vandals
5. Your home will be broken into
6. You will be mugged or robbed
7. You will be physically assaulted or attacked in the street or other public place
8. You will be involved or caught up in violence between groups of individuals or gangs
9. You will be sexually assaulted
10. You will have your identity stolen
11. Someone will use your credit or bank details to obtain money, goods or services
12. You will be physically attacked because of your skin colour, ethnic origin or religion
13. You will be threatened or verbally abused
14. You will be followed by someone in a manner which causes you fear, alarm or distress